Model Railroad Signal System Planning

Signalogic Systems Inc How-To Model Railroad Signal System Planning
0 17 Comments




  1. Douglas Margison says:

    Unable to find DBM (Digital Bungalow Module) in a product search on your website.

    1. signalogic says:

      Hi Douglas. At this time, we don’t have the DBM and associated signal products openly for sale on the website. We are working one-on-one with customers until our Signal Configuration Suite platform matures more, allowing customers to configure their own system. At this time, we are configuring system for customers. If you are interested in using the DBM signal system, please contact us: and we will be happy to help you figure out what you need, provide a quote and get you started.

    2. signalogic says:

      Douglas: We added the DBM and associated products to the website. You will note that these products will remain showing as Out of Stock. In reality, they are available but we are currently taking orders on these products directly due to configuration that we need to help with while we progress Signal Suite to a point that will allow customers to complete this configuration themselves.

  2. john.everhart says:

    love it

  3. William T. (Todd) Parr says:

    I would be interested in a couple of the DMB I would need for 2 interlocking plants on my railroad. What information would you need to be able to make a quote?

    1. signalogic says:

      A single DBM will likely be able to perform everything you need. A sketch of your mainline, breaking down the different blocks, location of controlled/monitored switches and signal definitions (number of LEDs) will help us determine the hardware you will require. As a side note, we are working hard to get our Signal Suite software progressed so that customers will be able to perform this themselves in the future.

      Kevin Rudko
      Signalogic Systems

  4. Kevin, great work on your site here. I had not seen this much development on it in the past. Hopefully the crossing gates will be coming soon.

  5. Brian Keay says:

    Fantastic website Kevin!! What an improvement over the previous one. I like your synopsis of how to set up a signal plan for layouts. It is basically how we implemented your signal system on my large layout by doing so over 6 phases so it wasn’t overwhelming.

  6. Michael says:

    Hi, I’m very interested in your system. I saw it at one of the Amherst shows before covid. I’m very interested to know whether you will be at the 2023 Amherst show. Also I looked for you at the national Train show, but I didn’t see you there. Hope things are going well. Look forward to doing business with you in the future.

    1. signalogic says:

      Hello Michael,

      Thank you for your interest! We will be at the Amherst Show again this January after an unfortunate absence due to COVID-19 restrictions last year. We will also be at Trainfest in Milwaukee this November!

  7. Michael Phelan says:

    Are you going to be at the 2023 Amherst show?

    1. signalogic says:

      Yes, we are excited to be back!

  8. Ron Buddemeier says:

    Are you planning to attend the NMRA convention in Dallas Fort Worth this August 2023

    1. signalogic says:

      Not sure about bringing a full display but would love to get there. If so, we can reach out to you and anyone else that would like to meet up!

      Kevin Rudko
      Signalogic Systems Inc.

  9. roseland says:

    Hello, just wanted to say, I loved this article.
    It was inspiгing. Keep on pⲟsting!

  10. Patrick Shea says:

    Does the switch work with the ROCO Z21 system.

    1. signalogic says:

      Hi Patrick,
      Which product are you curious about exactly? Looking at the ROCO device, it appears to be very network centric. You would likely need a computer application to operate this device. In contrast, our system is self-sustained, only requiring a computer for initial programming or for later use as a dispatch system.

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